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                Founded in 2013, Z-Park River Capital (ZRC) is a VC/PE management group principally engaged in VC, PE and FoF management.Including Beiruan Angel Fund, Inno Raycom Fund, River Raycom Fund, China-Canada Angel fund (a Canada registered fund),Z-Park Fund, Z-Park Longmen Fund and Fengtai New Energy Fund.It has invested more than 240 innovative companies globally.

                ZRC also attached great importance to VC ecosystem construction. While initiated the establishment of Zhongguancun M&A Research Institute, River Ricoh Innovation Accelerator, Z-Park Longmen Accelerator and other institutions, ZRC has organized and hosted Zhongguancun U30 Entrepreneurship Competition, China Angel Mentorship Program and many other forms of activities to support entrepreneurs for three consecutive years.





                Add: 605, Building A, Raycom InfoTech Center, Kexueyuan South Road, Haidian District, Beijing, 100190, China Tel: 010-62544880 Email: bp@jrequine.com

                Contact us

                Contact Us
                Add: 605, Building A, Raycom InfoTech Center, Kexueyuan South Road, Haidian District, Beijing, 100190, China Tel: 010-62544880 Email: bp@jrequine.com